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Inductees:  1995


Allison Dysart Kingston

Allison Dysart Kingston Born at Scotch Lake, York County, Al attended a one-room school for grades one through eight before going on to receive his graduation diploma at Keswick Ridge Rural High School in 1955. In the fall of 1955, Al moved to Fredericton to attend the Provincial Teachers’ College. During this year, he joined a square dance class taught by Pauline Cunningham. Because Pauline could not manage singing calls, Al’s career as a square dance caller was launched.


When he began his teaching career at Albert Street School, Al was also involved with square dance classes there. The following six years were busy for Al. In addition to becoming a recognized square dance caller, he received his degree from the University of New Brunswick.


In 1962, Al joined the staff of Fredericton High School. In 1964, he took a year to study at the University of London, England on a Lord Beaverbrook Scholarship. Al’s degrees include Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education and Master of Arts. Al is a charter member of Fredericton’s First Square Dance Club, The Elm Tree Squares were formed in 1962. He has been their official caller ever since except for the year he was in England. During his years of calling, he has instructed all but three classes of new dancers.


After retiring from teaching in 1993, Al expanded his calling to include The Royal Stars Dance Club at Esteys Bridge. Al’s talents as a caller are appreciated in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the New England States. Al has been a member of the Maritime Callers Association and the New England Callers Association. In addition to calling by records, he has also been accompanied by the following bands; Earl Mitton Band, Aubrey Hanson Band, Bev McCullough Band, Eugene Morris Band.


His square dance calls have encouraged a new generation of dancers, and with his own partner and wife, the former Helen Smith, “Al” Kingston himself continues to cute a smooth do-si-do on the dance floor. When not touring the square dance circuit, the Kingstons enjoy their home on Beechwood Crescent. They have one son, Blair.


Allison Kingston has also won admiration from the community at large, having served as president of the YMCA/YWCA and the Epsilon Y’s Men’s Club and as a member of the United Way Campaign. Al’s retirement years are including square dancing, golfing, travelling, reading and volunteer work (YMCA service clubs, the literacy council and Meals-on-Wheels) as the spirit moves him.


*Al was the sole inductee for the year 1995








































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